Donner Summit, California

Current Conditions on Donner Summit

Mileages From Sacramento

  • Colfax - 50 miles
  • Yuba Gap - 74 miles
  • Soda Springs - 89 miles
  • Donner Summit - 91 miles
  • Donner Lake - 98 miles
  • Truckee - 101 miles

Weather Report

Current Conditions in
Soda Springs, California

Soda Springs is at an elevation of 6,800 feet and is 3 miles west of Donner Summit. Most of the major ski resorts in the Donner Summit area are within a couple of miles of Soda Springs, making weather reports from there a good indication of conditions at the ski resorts and over the summit.

For more detailed snow reports from the ski resorts, see the links below to the individual resorts and their webcams.

Interstate 80 Road Conditions

Interstate 80 over Donner Summit is open year-round, but conditions on the pass in the winter often cause temporary closures. For this reason, during the winter it is always prudent to check with CalTrans before setting out.

Road Condition Information

These are among the best contacts for road conditions:

Snow Chain Designations

Requirement One (R1): Chains or snow tread tires required. Snow tires must have a tread depth of 6/32" with a "M & S" imprint on the tire's sidewall.
Requirement Two (R2): Chains required on all vehicles except four-wheel drives or all-wheel drives with snow tread tires on all four wheels. (NOTE: four-wheel and all-wheel drive vehicles must carry traction devices in chain control areas)
Requirement Three (R3): Chains are required on all vehicles, no exceptions.

Shop Amazon:
Winter Apparel

Tahoe National Forest Campgrounds

The most convenient source of information about campground status in the Tahoe National Forest is on their website:

Tahoe National Forest Recreation.

For more current information call (530) 265-4531.

Nevada Irrigation District Campgrounds

Campgrounds at Rollins Lake, Scotts Flat Lake, and Jackson Meadows are operated by the Nevada Irrigation District (NID). Check their website for current camping information:

Nevada Irrigation District Campgrounds

PG&E Campgrounds

Some campgrounds are operated by PG&E. Every year their reservation window changes, so check their recreation website for information on reservations and campground status:

PG&E Outdoor Recreation

Other Campgrounds

Inn Town Campground - Nevada City
Donner Memorial State Park

Snow Report Websites and Webcams

Check on snow conditions through ski resort webcams and snow reports. Webcams are sometimes found at the bottom of the ski resort's home page.

Boreal Snow Report

Boreal Webcams

Donner Ski Ranch Webcams

Donner Ski Ranch Snow Report

Soda Springs SNOW REPORT

Sugar Bowl Webcams

Sugar Bowl Snow Report

Tahoe Donner SNOW REPORT

Tahoe Donner Webcams